Wheat Production Report Overview
Overall in the United States, despite the climate change, wheat production is above previous levels. All wheat growth combined is forecasted to be up 6%. These predictions are about on par with the industry predictions of 2.149 billion bushels.
The only type of wheat that is expected to see a negative hit is winter wheat. Forecasts of the production have it currently down 3% but that is still greater than the 2014 yield. In total there is expected to be a 33.3 million acres of winter wheat harvested which is 3% greater than 2014.
Durum wheat is expected to do especially good this year. The estimated increase from the 2014 numbers is 42% or 75.5 million bushels, this is despite a .1 bushel per acre reduction. The total number of area that is expected to be harvested for Durum is 1.91 million acres, 43% up from last year but on track for this year’s predictions.
Other wheat to be harvested during the spring is forecasted to be 617 million bushels or a total of 13.2 million acres. Both the acreage and the bushel count is up 4% from last year’s numbers.
In a wheat supply and demand report the United States Department of Agriculture stated that is believes the carryover for wheat to June 2016 will be 3% higher than last year. This number of bushels being carried over is below the projected amount by over 100 million bushels.
For other crops there is also a reduction in carryover. Corn is predicted to carryover 10% less and soybeans are predicted to carryover 11% less than 2015 numbers. Both corn and soybeans are below projected numbers. Tobacco in the United States is seeing a major hit at 21% less production than the 2014 numbers.
Oranges are also seeing a 1% lower production than the forecast. More than that though, it is 6% below last season’s utilization. While Florida is slightly above expected production levels it is still seeing a lower number of production than last season’s utilization. California oranges are down 5% from the last forecasts and a total of 11% from last season’s utilization numbers.
While 2015 is going to be a good year for wheat some other crops may see less success. Also, despite the increase in wheat production there is going to be a reduced amount of wheat carryover suggesting that there is more wheat being used this year than last year.
To see the full report released July 10, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) click here.
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